
Thursday, July 23, 2015

HTTP/HTTPS listener behavior with IIB HTTPInput nodes

HTTP/HTTPS listener behavior with IIB HTTPInput nodes

When a flow containing HTTPInput nodes are deployed on an Integration Server, the default behavior is to use the broker wide HTTP Listener.
This is different is you are deploying a flow using SOAP nodes. In this later case, the http listener used is the embedded HTTP listener of the Integration Server.

For your information, the broker wide listener is using MQ behind the scene. So it can be enabled on the version 10 if a default queue manager has not been configured.

In this blog I will explain how to configure the Integration Node to use the embedded listener of an Integration Server when using HTTP nodes. 
I will also explain how to configure the Integration Node to use SSL (HTTPS).

In the following text, I will assume that
* The integration node is called: IBMIBus
* The integration server is called: IServer1

Configuration for Embedded HTTP Listener

First check the configuration of the Integration Server using the following command:
mqsireportproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o ExecutionGroup -a

This command will show the property "httpNodesUseEmbeddedListener". If this property is set to true, this means that when you will deploy a flow having a HTTPInput node, the embedded HTTP listener will be used.
To change this value use the following command:
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus-e IServer1 -o ExecutionGroup -n httpNodesUseEmbeddedListener -v true
The port used by the embedded HTTP listener is defined dynamically when the first flow having HTTP nodes is deployed or when the Integration Server is started if it had such flow already deployed. If no flow having HTTP nodes has been deployed, the listener will not be activated.

To check the port used by the embedded HTTP listener, use the following command:
mqsireportproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o HTTPConnector -a
The port can be specified if required (this will disable the automatic port number attribution). This is done using the following command:
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o HTTPConnector -n explicitlySetPortNumber -v 8085

Embedded listener configuration for SSL (HTTPS)

In this part, I will provide the commands to configure the embedded HTTP listener to use SSL.

* The Integration Server has been configured to use embedded HTTP listener
* A key store has been created. It contains a certificate for the integration server (that can be used for the public and private key)
* A key store or trust store containing the client certificate if mutual authentication is required.
* The password used to access the keystore is "password".

The keystore and truststore configuration can be found at the following link:


The Integration Server uses two objects to configure the SSL: the ComIbmJVMManager and the HTTPSConnector
The ComIBMJVMManager object is used for the entire Integration Server. It is used by input HTTP nodes as well as request HTTP nodes.
The HTTPSConnector is used only for the input HTTP nodes. 
If you need different keystore for the http request nodes and for the http input nodes then you may configure the ComIBMJVMManager for the HTTP request nodes and the HTTPSConnector for the input http node.
If there is no differences, you can configure only the ComIBMJVMManager object.

ComIBMJVMManager configuration

The following command is used to configure the object:
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n keystoreFile -v "c:\ks_IBMIBus.jks"
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n truststoreFile -v "c:\ks_IBMIBus.jks"
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n keystorePass -v <password>
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n truststorePass -v <password>
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n keystoreType -v JKS
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n truststoreType -v JKS
<password> the password to provide. You may provide the password directly in the command line or store the password in the secure integration node registry using the command mqsisetdbparms.
To use the secure registry, you have to provide the password in the command line with the form <MyIntegrationServer>Keystore::password. The command would then be:
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n keystorePass -v IServer1Keystore::password
Then store the password using the command line
mqissetdbparms IBMIBus -n IServer1Keystore::password -u ignore -p password
The user has no usage here, you may set whatever value you would like.

You need to restart the integration node if you change any of these properties.

If you need to configure the HTTPSConnector, follow the same approach.

Important Note: if you are using a browser tools like HttpRequestor from firefox, you would first need to accept the server certificate. This may be done by simply performing a GET of the service URL in firefox self. You would then be prompted to accept the certificate.

Specific server certificate to be used

You can specify the certificate to be used by the HTTPInput node for SSL. By default the first personal certificate found in the keystore is used. This certificate is used to authenticate the server to the client.
If you require to set a specific one set the property "keyAlias" of the object HTTPSConnector to the right alias.
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o HTTPSConnector -n keyAlias -v myAlias

Mutual authentication

To enable mutual authentication,  the property "clientAuth" of the object HTTPSConnector has to be set to true.
mqsichangeproperties IBMIBus -e IServer1 -o HTTPSConnector -n clientAuth -v true
By setting this value you would have using a browser:
Error code: ssl_error_handshake_failure_alert

Create a certificate and add the certificate containing the public/private key to the browser and the public certificate to the Integration Server Truststore (or keystore depending of your configuration). 

On firefox, this is done by going to option -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificate -> import
You should have a pfx or p12 file ready.
You may create a self signed certificate for test, using the IBM key Management tool. 
Create a self signed certificate then export and select the "PKCS12" key file type.

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